Ron Finley: A guerrilla gardener in South Central LA
Wikipedia defines Food Desert as "a geographic area where affordable and nutritious food is difficult to obtain, particularly for those without access to an automobile."
This made me think: the year I spent in Duluth, I lived in a food desert, so I know what it's like. Yet there was an amaaaazing local restaurant a few blocks from me that was doing something different - being an early adopter of sustainability. Yesterday, my grandma reminded me about Duluth Grill after she caught the feature below on the local news. Through my Clover Valley farm internship I even got to meet the owner of Duluth Grill and work a bit with the urban garden manager, Francois. You can find the vinegar I helped start at the farm on the tables and shelves at the Grill too!
Duluth Grill on the Food Network!
RON FINLEY empowers through urban gardening!!!